Interactive Learning Modules

The below outlines professional development possibilities for schools.

 Schools can select one of the following and/or a mixture of both, as long as it is realistic within the time frame. If there are additional areas that schools are interested in this can also be accommodated. The main purpose of interactive learning modules is to meet the specific needs of individual schools. 

The Role of Concepts in Teaching and Learning for Understanding

This module will look at the role of concepts in teaching and learning and how  conceptually driven units provide students with the opportunity to move from knowing to understanding. It will explore the difference between teaching through facts and teaching through concepts and assist educators in understanding the importance and need for the shift towards a conceptually driven curriculum.

It will explore the type of learning we want learners involved in and provide participants with a  criteria and a framework for developing units of learning that are contemporary and conceptually driven.

The What, Why and How of Inquiry

“The teacher’s questions and provocations are what initially drive investigation, from here we see students’ own critical wonderings emerge.” Taking the Complexity Out of Concepts, 

This module will look at the role of inquiry in teaching and learning. It will examine what inquiry is, why we need to focus on inquiry and how we can implement inquiry into our schools/classrooms.

It will be facilitated through inquiry in order for educators to see inquiry practices modelled and assist educators in knowing what inquiry looks like and how they can shift their pedagogy to promote more inquiry.

Promoting Learner Agency

“Teachers allow time for students to pursue their own inquiries. This shows respect for students’ growing independence as learners and provides motivation for further discoveries.” Taking the Complexity Out of Concepts 

This module will look at the role of agency in schools. It will examine why agency is an important part of a learner’s education and how we can implement agency.

It will examine the role of decision making in connection to learners and how we can provide more opportunities to be involved in decision making within the school. Teachers will be provided with ideas on how they can provide students with more agency in their learning connected to the what, how and why of their learning.


Planning for Conceptual Learning, Assessment of Understanding and Agency 

“Conceptual planning is a practical process, based on strong theoretical underpinnings about how students learn.” Taking the Complexity Out of Concepts

This module will explore how to develop units of learning that are conceptually driven and focussed on inquiry and action. It will look at how to effectively plan, teach and assess for conceptual learning and take participants through a planning process that places an emphasis on conceptual learning, inquiry, differentiation and assessment.

In this workshop teachers will have the opportunity to develop their understanding of the role of concepts in curriculum design and teaching. This will be enhanced through the opportunity to go through the stages of planning a unit of work with a focus on concepts and assessment.

Inquiry as a Process of Learning

This module will look at the process of inquiry and how we can implement inquiry into our classrooms. It will examine what an inquiry process is and take educators through each stage of the process in connection to strategies and implementation.

It is important to note that inquiry is not linear and whilst this workshop will look at the different stages of the process it will also ensure participants understand that each stage of the process takes place at different times, and often throughout the unit. The process of inquiry and what stage is being planned for is dependent on the students and the learning taking place at the time.

Differentiation: Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners

“Utilising a variety of engagements and resources, teachers are able to better cater to the learning needs and styles of all students.” Taking the Complexity Out of Concepts

This module will explore the principles of differentiation, looking at the ‘what, why and how of differentiation’.

It will examine what differentiation is and provide strategies for implementing differentiation in the classroom. Many examples of differentiation will be explored and participants will have the opportunity to develop differentiation tasks as a part of the workshop.

Conceptual Learning in the Early Years

This module will focus on how to effectively plan and teach for conceptual learning within an Early Years setting. Whilst curriculums are moving to more of a conceptual framework, many are focussed on practices aimed beyond the experience of very young learners. This workshop will focus on how to notice conceptual meaning making in play, how to plan in response to young children’s fluid theories, interests, ideas and preferences. In this hands-on workshop participants will have the chance to work through their curriculum documents to identify concepts that can be used to develop meaningful conceptual units for young children that promote learner agency and the opportunity to follow student’s interest. 

Assessing to Meet the Needs of Learners

“It is important within any planning process that educators are explicitly aware of what they are looking for with regard to assessment.” Taking the Complexity Out of Concepts 

This module will focus on how to effectively assess students in order to plan to meet their needs. It will look at the difference between formative and summative assessment and give participants the opportunity to develop assessment strategies they can implement in their teaching. The workshop will examine all aspects of formative assessment and how to effectively use day to day formative assessments to meet the needs of students.

Why Play?

“Playful inquiry provides a way for young children to make meaning from their learning by exploring their own real-world connections.” Taking the Complexity Out of Concepts 

This module will examine current research around the significance of play in the development of young children. It will examine what play is and how it allows young children to engage, connect and make sense within their environment. It will address the role of play in building of relationships and how it is linked to children’s wellbeing. There will be opportunity to explore how to promote play through the design of the learning environment and provocations.