Reimagining and Conceptualising the Curriculum

“When concepts are emphasised over content, there is no limit to the range of topics that students may investigate through a conceptual lens.” p. 33 Taking the Complexity Out of Concepts 

When curriculum content is shifted into a conceptual framework, facts and skills are seen as layer within a more conceptually driven context. Units are developed and analysed to ensure they are significant, compelling and intriguing for students and future orientated; therefore, students are involved in learning that has purpose and engages their curiosity.

It is important to recognise that making the transition to a conceptual curriculum does not require you to discard your current curriculum. It is likely that your existing curriculum has the potential to be developed conceptually. Taking the Complexity Out of Concepts, 2015

‘When IGE works with teachers to improve a unit by shifting the focus from content to concepts, it opens up the opportunity for student-led inquiry.  

It is important to recognise that making the transition to a conceptual curriculum does not require you to throw out your current units and start again from scratch. It is likely that your existing units have the potential to be taught conceptually once you have the tools to do so.’

IGE works with schools to develop, review and write curriculum. This involves revising and reimagining curriculum to be structured within in a conceptual framework. This involves using the IGE models for developing conceptual curriculum.

When curriculum content is shifted into a conceptual framework, facts and skills are seen as layer within a more conceptually driven context. Units are developed and analysed to ensure they are significant, compelling and intriguing for students; therefore, students are involved in learning that has purpose and engages their curiosity..

Research indicates that one of the benefits of learning through concepts is that ’organizing information into a conceptual framework allows for greater transfer; that is, it allows the student to apply what was learned in new situations and to learn related information more quickly’ (Bransford, Brown & Cocking 2000, How people learn: Brain, mind, experience and school ,p.17)

By leveraging the way in which the brain processes information, contextualising curriculum content makes learning more meaningful and connected.

IGE works with the school using an existing curriculum or assists in the development of a curriculum framework to develop units of learning that are conceptually written, taught and assessed.  

It must be noted that IGE works with both National and State curriculums as well as International curriculums.

Approaches for Re-Imagining Curriculum 

Elementary: IGE collaborates with schools to integrate curriculum across subjects in order to develop units of learning that provide a conceptual lens so perspectives from a range of subject areas are meaningfully integrated. Using a conceptual framework for curriculum development opens up possibilities to authentically connect curriculum areas.

Single Subject/Specialists: IGE collaborates extensively with single subject/specialist teachers, across all subject areas, (for example, Music, Art, PE, Religion, World Languages, Drama) to develop units of learning that are conceptually driven and curriculum focussed. We work closely with single subject/specialist teachers to organize and connect their topics into a conceptual framework which provides a more meaningful context to their curriculum. This conceptual framework can also be developed for other core elementary subject areas: for example, Science, Math, Social Studies, Language.

Middle Years/School: IGE collaborates with the school's middle years teams to conceptualise the curriculum. This includes working with all subject areas across the middle school to develop units of learning that embed and organise the curriculum content and skills into a conceptual framework. We work closely with middle years teachers to organise and connect their topics into a conceptual framework which provides a more meaningful context to their curriculum.

Integrating Curriculum: IGE collaborates with schools to integrate curriculum across subjects in order to develop units of learning that provide a  conceptual lens so perspectives from a range of subject areas are meaningfully integrated. Using a conceptual framework for curriculum development opens up possibilities to connect across curriculum areas.

IB Schools: IGE has vast experience in creating, revising and or reviewing programmes of inquiry (POI) in IBPYP schools to ensure coverage of curriculum within a deep conceptual framework, whilst still adhering to the IBPYP framework.

IGE collaborates with schools using the IBMYP framework to develop conceptual units of learning. This process of curriculum development encompasses all components of the MYP framework.

It must be noted that IGE works with both National and State curriculums as well as International curriculums.