Focussed Collective Learning


Focussed collective learning is a coordinated approach that enables small groups to focus systematically and collectively on their educational needs, learning as individuals and as a team through the process.

This involves IGE working specifically with communities and teams within the school. This can include year levels, curriculum coordinators, subject groups, leadership and parents.

This could include, but is not limited to, any of the following areas:

Planning with Teaching Teams: This involves collaborating with teaching teams to plan a unit of learning. The focus of the planning is on conceptual learning, inquiry and assessment for understanding. 

Small Team Professional Learning: This involves working with small teams on a focused area of need or interest e.g. inquiry, assessment, differentiation

Policy Development: This involves leading policies development in schools

Strategic Planning: This involves leading the strategic development of shifts in pedagogy and curriculum.

Education for Parents: This involves facilitating professional learning for parents on pedagogical shifts.