Our Partnerships
IGE Partners with school global communities.

“In multiple IB World School communities (Lao, Bangladesh and Qatar) we have had the privilege to have our learning facilitated by Innovative Global Education. Specifically, Tania Lattanzio has led Face to Face Workshops, Curriculum Development, Team Planning, Team Meetings, completed observations and coaching within our community. In each context the leadership and coaching by Tania has led to whole-school pedagogical transformation in teaching and learning. This was due Tania’s ability to quickly build strong relationships and rapport with teams at all levels (early years, primary, secondary and leadership) and her ability to provoke thinking and stimulates cognitive discourse that leads to impactful changes in unit and curriculum design.
Tania’s impact can be felt from the time that she arrives on campus and continues to ripple through the community for months and years. This is testament to the strength of the personalized professional learning programme that Tania constructs and leads in collaboration with the school’s pedagogical leadership team. Innovative Global Education ensure that they seek to understand the school context and consistently remain flexible, adaptative and agile through the learning journey. Tania meets teachers where they are at and differentiates for the wide continuum of understandings, skills and confidence that exist across the team. Tania’s passion and expertise is recognized and respected by all team members. Tania’s open and transparent approach to coaching teams is valued and her energized approach to facilitating workshops draws all members of the team into a reflective process that results in tangible actions.
I am constantly in awe of the way in which Tania helps de-mystify conceptual learning for teaching teams, the way in which she inspires teams to be courageous with curriculum design and how through a co-constructive process of learning and action she empowers teams to build authentic conceptual units of learning.
If you are looking to build lasting professional learning relationships, understand and value the importance of professional learning programmes that create transformation from within and are wanting to work with supportive knowledgeable change agents I would strongly encourage you to work with IGE”.
Kim Sharee Green, Previous Director, Qatar Academy Sidra, Doha-Qatar, Incoming Head of School – International School Ho Chi Minh City (ISHCMC), Vietnam
“Tania Lattanzio is an inspiring educator. We first met in 2010 when she co-led the IB workshop leader multi-programme training in Hong Kong. It was some of the most powerful training I had ever taken part in. Tania possesses in-depth programme knowledge, pedagogical understanding and boundless energy. In 2015, as curriculum director at International School of Busan in Korea, I was able to bring Tania out to work with our entire teaching staff. She facilitated and inspired large and small groups of PYP, MYP and DP teachers with a focus on conceptual learning and differentiation. Tania generously shared folders of resources and a plethora of strategies for the teachers. Multiple teachers remarked that "Tania's was the most powerful workshop they had ever attended." As the Secondary Principal at Xi'an Liangjiatan International School over the past four years, I have brought Tania out multiple times to work with large and small teams of PYP, MYP and DP teachers. The work Tania has done with teams of teachers is transformational. The understanding of the importance of differentiation and conceptual learning has grown and this can be seen and felt in classrooms throughout the school. Tania's words resonate and supported teachers to understand that contemporary classrooms are not places where "all students are doing the same things at the same time." Through subsequent visit teachers' knowledge about differentiation and conceptual learning has deepened. We look forward to welcoming Tania out for a third time to XLIS this coming year so we can drill down further on differentiation and conceptual learning in the classroom”.
Daun Yorke, Secondary Principal, Xi’Lan Liangjitan International School, Xian, China
“Tania has been working in partnership with our school for the past three years. In this time, she has guided us in the development of our Science and Social Studies curriculums, and helped us ensure that our Programme of Inquiry has a strong conceptual and transdisciplinary focus. Tania ran workshops with staff on planning and teaching for conceptual understanding after which our teachers came away buzzing with excitement, and with a clear understanding of how to apply a conceptual framework to teaching and learning. Tania is extremely knowledgeable and approachable, and has the ability to quickly zoom in on what is really important in order to help teachers see the forest for the trees”.
Ross Dawson, Primary Principal, Victoria Shanghai Academy, Hong Kong
“Tania Lattanzio has worked with The Anglo-American School of Moscow for over six years. She has led us through a complete overhaul and writing of a new program of inquiry, demonstrated inquiry lessons within our classrooms, helped create provocations that sparked deep student questions, worked with all single-subject teachers in both the written and instructional curriculum, and currently is supporting work around meaningful formative assessment that lead to differentiation within the classroom. We value her knowledge of curriculum and student development, vast experience in schools around the world, flexibility in working with a range of teachers and staff, and sense of humour. Her hands-on and practical approach is appreciated by the teachers and leads to an immediate change in the classroom. She has had such a great impact on the learning within our elementary division that she has been asked to support our middle and high school as well. We value greatly all she has to offer to our teaching and learning and are excited about her work with us in the future”.
Maureen Sackmaster Carpenter, Literacy Leader, PYP coordinator, Service Learning Coordinator, Anglo-American School of Moscow, Moscow, Russia
“I have had the pleasure of working with Tania Lattanzio on PE curriculum development multiple times over the past five years. Tania is extremely knowledgeable - both in vertical/horizontal curriculum alignment and in the Primary Years Programme. My colleagues and I have always found that her presence leads to professional learning and the outcome of our time together consistently results in a curriculum that we know will be purposeful for our students' learning. Tania is an excellent listener and is always respectful and open-minded to all that she works with. She is also very flexible and is willing to make changes "on the fly" to ensure the professionals she is working with are able to be present and at their best. I look forward to future opportunities to work with, and learn from, Tania”.
Marcus Down, PYP PE Team Leader, NIST International School, Bangkok, Thailand
“Over the course of five years and at two different international schools (NIST in Bangkok, Thailand and Dresden International School in Dresden, Germany), I have worked closely with Tania Lattanzio to review curriculum, support teacher understanding of concept-based learning and teaching, and to develop materials to foster student inquiry. Tania’s knowledge, passion, and staunch commitment to learning are infectious and motivate teachers to improve. Tania has a unique way of connecting with all teachers and differentiates to meet their needs. She is personable and brings a sense of fun and joy to her sessions - teachers automatically engage with her and leave well-equipped and prepared to positively impact student learning and success. I highly recommend working with Tania Lattanzio - you won’t be disappointed!”
Beth A. Dressler, Primary Principal and Deputy Director, Dresden International School, Dresden, Germany
“I have personally known and worked with Tania Lattanzio since 2006 in various capacities. Within the last 12 years, I have contracted Tania over 12 to 18 months at these schools: Canadian International School, Singapore, Chatsworth International School, Singapore and more recently, Geelong Grammar School, Toorak Campus, Melbourne Australia.
Tania has supported each of the schools with our curriculum development in various areas such as: IB PYP Programme of Inquiries, whole school workshops in Units of Inquiry development; development of conceptual curriculums for specialist subjects (Visual Arts, Music, Physical Education, Drama and Mandarin), and for stand-alone subjects such as Health and Mathematics. Tania has worked with small and large groups of teachers, as well as one to one with teachers and leadership teams.
Tania’s approach to the professional development she offers has moved the teachers and the schools forward in their development of curriculum. The teachers’ confidence to deliver their classroom teaching and learning programmes improved as a result. Tania’s warm and gentle approach, supporting teachers has made her a very welcomed visitor in each of the schools. Tania’s UpToDate knowledge of curriculum practices and pedagogy has improved the overall learning and teaching programmes at each of the schools in which she has worked. The most effective changes have occurred because Tania returns and builds on the practices and understandings from previous visits.
Overall, I can wholeheartedly recommend Tania Lattanzio for in-school or regional curriculum development workshops, supporting an inquiry pedagogy and constructivist learning in schools”.
Mario Guaci, Head of Learning and Teaching / PYP Coordinator , Geelong Grammar School: Toorak Campus, Melbourne, Australia
“We were fortunate enough to have Tania Lattanzio (Innovative Global Education) spend a week with us at ICSA in September 2019. During that time, Tania worked with a range of teachers, covering all ages and subjects. Before the visit, Tania ensured that she familiarised herself with the context of the school so that she could be well prepared. Tania worked with individual grade level and subject teams to craft exciting, student-centred units of inquiry, everything from PreK to Grade 8 Maths. She helped teachers to understand the concepts behind the units, emphasised the need for hooking students in and keeping them engaged, and ensured that there was a clear flow from the framing questions to the assessment task, allowing for student questions and choice. She worked very efficiently with the time she had. She was able to respond to the individual needs of teachers instantly. At the end of the week, we benefited from having well written units which acted as models for future units, a broader understanding of inquiry and conceptual understanding, and a clearer picture of assessment tasks and rubrics. Tania concluded her visit with a whole-staff interactive session on the use of provocations to stimulate learning. This was well received, providing strategies that could be instantly used in classrooms. Tania is extremely knowledgeable about curriculum, innovations in education, resources and strategies. She is quick to gauge a situation and to respond accordingly, and is extremely efficient. She is a pleasure to work with and I recommend her highly as a consultant”.
Kath Adams, Curriculum Coordinator, International Community School of Abidjan Côte d’Ivoire
“I first collaborated with Tania at AISJ as a Teaching and Learning Coach and Service Learning Coordinator to help teachers in building conceptual understanding in units of inquiry. Tania’s easy going personality and sense of humor were appreciated by teachers and admin at AISJ. She was welcomed back several times to continue to build conceptual inquiry into the curriculum K-12 by consulting with teams of teachers and through her engaging weekend workshops. After leaving AISJ to start Serve Learn Educational Consultants several years ago, I continued to collaborate with Tania. Her expertise helped us with our K-12 Serve Learn Curriculum enduring understandings and essential question refinement. I highly recommend Tania and Innovative Global Education for their workshops and consulting to schools or organizations wishing to build conceptual understanding”.
Tara Merks Barton, American International School Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa
“Andrea has been engaged to support and guide our team in change to curriculum and pedagogy in Religious Education for our 56 Catholic schools. Andrea has shared with our teachers and leadership teams a wealth of knowledge and expertise in developing learning for understanding. Her ability to coach and differentiate professional learning has supported our teachers during this time of change.
Andrea creates a collaborative space filled with support and challenge that fosters a culture of learning with an improvement agenda”.
Patrick McGrath, Catholic Education, Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn
“Our school has been working with Andrea for a number of years now, and we have developed a concept-focused, contemporary, and authentic curriculum for our incredible learners! Without question, Andrea has empowered our teachers and leaders to take brave, student-focused decisions about learning, and our levels of understanding around our children's journey through our school have been elevated immeasurably.”
Ian Dickinson, Principal, Pigeon Mountain Primary School, New Zealand
“Our collaboration with Andrea has spanned over the course of 3 years and we continue to feel supported and experience growth through her commitment, expertise and personalised attention. The experience of the learner and learning remains at the forefront of our conversations both during and in between her visits, with Andrea continually sharing with us innovative ideas for best practice with regards to conceptual teaching and learning, assessment and inquiry. Andrea maintains a personalised approach and we appreciate the energy she brings with each visit”.
Kellie Berry, IBPYP Coordinator, Kingston International School, Hong Kong
“In November 2019, the International School of Berne was fortunate to have Tania Lattanzio from the IGE team join us for 3 days of inquiry and exploration into the potential impact of concepts on our teaching and learning. Each day challenged our teachers to look for different perspectives in how we plan, teach and assess from our youngest learners in our Early Learning Center through to our High School students. As a result of these 3 days, our teachers were not only much better equipped with tools and techniques to enhance the learning experiences through a conceptual lenses, they were also more confident in catering to the diverse range of learning needs of our students”.
Scott Jackson, Campus Principal, International School of Berne, Berne, Switzerland
“Andrea worked with the IGE Conceptual Model which is a fantastic way to measure the understanding of concepts. It did not limit the range and type of thinking or creativity of our students in their inquiry. In fact it aided in the solidifying and expansion of knowledge and understanding. In planning, the structure is differentiated and measurable”.
Specialist Team Leader, Waikowhai Intermediate School, Auckland, New Zealand
“Andrea's work with the staff was more than curriculum innovation. It was about creating a real focus on collaborating and connecting to refine a shared learning and teaching vision for our Junior Years that every staff member could actively contribute to. The staff have truly embraced the opportunities for learning and reflecting on pedagogy and where education is going in our changing world. As a result, this obvious energy and commitment has improved learning opportunities for our students right across the Junior School. Andrea's leadership, experience and knowledge have undoubtedly helped us to create the future”.
Linda Douglas, Principal, Ruyton Girls' School Melbourne
“Over the last three years, Andrea Muller has provided professional learning in a number of areas. She has an in-depth knowledge of the learning process and the needs of 21st century learners always encouraging teachers to think outside the square when developing programmes of learning. I can thoroughly recommend the engagement of her services”.
Jill Farquharson, Principal, Auckland Normal Intermediate School, New Zealand
“All along, Andrea has strongly supported IBPYP 's Chinese teaching and promoted innovative teaching concepts and practices. She practised by herself and carried out inquiring course training based on conceptual understanding around the world. In the past three years, the school has had the honour to invite Andrea to the school to provide teachers with a highly interactive and highly practical conceptual teaching workshop. The effect is remarkable. We look forward to Andrea's next guidance”.
Fenwick Tong, Vice Principal, Chinese Head Teacher, Kingston International School, Hong Kong
“Our staff were totally engaged and inspired during their two days with Andrea Muller. Andrea was so effective in building our awareness of the need to seek more for our students in their thinking, learning and doing, and connecting school learning with deeper concepts and life experiences. We were provoked and supported to shift out of our comfort zones, ask important questions about how and why we do things as teachers and plan for a new way of doing things. We finished our time together with many more questions and plenty of ideas and plans – a genuinely productive and collaborative professional learning experience.”
Vicki Schilling, Head of Primary at the Armstrong Creek Campus, Geelong Lutheran College